Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yard Sale Buddy Gets Some Tail

TailGATE, I mean, TailGATE...

Yard Sale Buddy asked me if I could "send a message to Mack via the Internet". (Um, yeah, sure... or you could just tell him yourself next weekend...) "This can't wait! Tell him I said THANK YOU for buying that piece of crap jelly cabinet that smelled like rat p*ss, I laughed all the way to the Auto Parts store to buy my new replacement tailgate with HIS money."

Don't shoot the messenger! As much as I enjoy busting Mack's chops, I actually LIKED that pantry and was a little envious when I saw it in his truck. But then Yard Sale Buddy offered me his lawn jockey in exchange for posting the message so I said What the Heck. I'll leave it in Yard Sale Buddy's yard though so Mack can keep trying in vain to buy it.

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