Monday, October 5, 2009

Yardsale Aftermath

So we had the Grand Yardsale Last Weekend and in case you couldn't tell from the lack of Blogging, it took me about a week to recover. I wish I didn't wait so long because it's not quite so fresh in my mind now but the day began at 7AM with me, Kenny and my mom Kath hauling everything out of the sheds. It took almost 2 hours to get everything loaded on & around the tables & furniture we had lined the driveway with the night before, which put us just in time for the scheduled start of 9AM. With fresh ones and quarters in our pockets Kath and I were eager to start selling, while Kenny went off to take a nap. (Seriously!)

Some of the more memorable highlights:

A guy tried to buy this crock that has my name & address on it. TWICE. I tried to explain to him that it wasn't old, I'm pretty sure my in-laws ordered it from L.L. Bean or something, and plus, it had my NAME and ADDRESS on it. I can only hope that he had poor vision and thought it was some valuable old piece of stoneware, and not that he is a psycho stalker.

People actually respected the start time and other than the Creepy Crock Buyer were refreshingly honest. I would not expect people uncovering what they think are Hidden Gems at a yard sale to bring them to the Seller and disclose their True Value. "Um, excuse me, I just wanted to point out that this is a piece of Fenton Milk Glass" I know it is, but Thanks... "and this is worth about 25-35 dollars" (in 1987... Out Loud I replied Then you are getting a GREAT DEAL for just 2 bucks!!) Sadly, he already had that piece in his collection and placed it back on the table.

Another Good Samaritan sidled up and told me that the glass insulators I was selling for $1 each could be worth $80-$90 each (THEN BUY THEM!!!) Sadly he too left them on the table. There actually are some insulators in rare colors or shapes that are worth several hundred dollars but these were run-of-the-mill and just make a nice paperweight or if you are really ambitious, you could turn it into a candle sconce like this:

All in all it was a really busy day but much like rabbits all that junk on the tables seemed to multiply so at 3PM we started saying everything half off which made a lot of it go away and then at 5 everything was FREE except for a few select items of furniture. I started trying to keep too much but then told myself to BE STRONG - it was time to clean the slate and seriously, I will have no problem finding more Vintage Thermoses.

And here we have it... the Aftermath! Or rather... the AFTER Photos of the shed. I knew I had some organization under all that mess! Oh, and the MATH turned out pretty good too... time to start filling the place up again!!


Jenn said...

Judging by the shed, I'd say that's a pretty productive sale, all I can say is:

Why don't you live closer so I could have went?!

That kind of sale is what I live for, I would have taken 1 (or all) of those chairs home an I can't even imagine the treasures that were sold that weren't pictured!! Congratulations on an awesome clear our, and look forward to seeing what you use to fill the sheds back up!

Ires said...

Oh if I hadn't been babysitting my niece and nephew - maybe next year!

C&G said...

Sorry I did not make it - I was on the South Shore but began at the amazing-vintage-clothing sale (see earlier blog post!) and never made it out of Scituate! I was LOL about all the "advice." Last year, I had the same things with these old saws I was trying to sell, this guy took me aside and told me how my "$5 each price was way too low and I said "SO BUY them!" (nicely, as you try to say these things) Of course he did not, and they went to SAVERS where I'm sure someone bought them to resell and the cycle begins again....

Anonymous said...

Love my cherry tomato salt and pepper shakers that I bought at your yard sale!

Also, kids have been playing oodles of dress up with the vintage scarves...what a great find.

Thanks....let me know when you have too much 'stuff' again and I will be happy to take some off your hands....

Now if only someone would take some of my stuff?