Sunday, November 15, 2009

God Rest Ye, Merry Salvage Chicks

We are looking forward to a day off tomorrow after this week's Smashingly Successful Holiday Open House. MANY Thanks to all of you who attended, we hope you enjoyed the baked goodies Santa's Elves whipped up, and the little Salvage Chic tape measure/key chains seemed to be a Big Hit. We raffled off 2 $25 gift certificates which went to lucky winners Bruce Clark & Stacey Sullivan, Congratulations to them both! The raffle was fun and I think we'll be doing that more often.

Claudia and I started Decking the Halls right after Halloween and worked straight up until this weekend transforming the shop into a Winter Wonderland. We heard lots of kind comments from shoppers; I think our favorite was from a friend with a longtime antique-dealing family: "I've never SEEN so much Christmas in one place!" Neither have we, and the surprises are not over... we have much more Christmas stock waiting to be put out over the coming weeks. In fact, we'll be visiting an auction tomorrow night where we hear more Christmas Goodies are lurking! (What's that I said about a day off? I guess we never REALLY take one. But this is NIGHT, it doesn't count as working, does it?)

Special Thanks to Santa's elves Amy & Connie for their yummy baked goods, our other elf Amy who whipped up some crafty creations, my Mom Kath for hanging out & providing an extra set of hands all weekend, and of course to my business partner and 'Creative Soulmate' Claudia, without whom none of this would be possible. As we were decorating we kept asking each other "can you imagine doing this ALONE?" and then the conversation would inevitably turn to me probably wanting to slit my ankles and die a slow painful death. THANKS CLAUDIA!!

And since I can't resist leaving you with a giggle... another often heard comment this weekend: "Your House must be SO COOL! Does it look like this?" UMMM... No. As I pictured my dining room table, which still looks like THIS:

Poor Kenny! What's that old saying, the shoemaker's kids go without shoes... and Salvage Chick's house is always one holiday behind. And probably will be, until December 23rd, when I bring home the aluminum tree from the shop and plop it down in place of that big bowl of candy corn! Sorry Kenny...


cfb said...

Maybe Kenny is actually thinking "Why does my dining room table look like a scene from CSI? I just wanna eat in peace..."

Anonymous said...

Gee, I thought I was the only one who still has Halloween decorations out.

Thanks again for my picture holders!

Michele :-D